Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Hemiparesis

About Cerebral Palsy Spastic Hemiplegia and Spastic Hemiparesis

**Book on "Spastic Hemiparesis" Below**

What is Spastic Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis? It is a type of cerebral palsy. Spastic Hemiplegia affects the entire one side of the body with the lack of use, and is normally identified within the arm and leg. This is NOT a progressive disorder. The term Hemi means half and plegia means paralysis. However, for Hemiparesis, Paresis means partial paralysis (weakness). It is weakness of the arm and leg on the same side of the body. Hemiplegia is more severe than hemiparesis. Spastic Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis is usually caused from an illness, stroke, or a spinal cord injury from birth but the most common cause is a stroke. Usually limbs on one side of the body are shortened, slightly deformed, and much thinner than the other normal side. Spasticity means stiffness in the muscles.

The most Common Signs and Symptoms of Spastic Hemipelgia/Hemiparesis are:

Difficulty with gait (like foot turning inward), balance while walking/standing
Having difficulty with motor activities like holding and grasping objects
stiffness of muscles
mild or moderate muscle spasms
Difficulty with speech  
Difficulty chewing food
Significant delay in standing, smiling, talking, and even crawling
Behavior symptoms like anxiety, anger, and irritability 
Coordination problems

The amount of symptoms varies on each person who is affected by it but is usually mild or severe. They will always have trouble through some mobility but can still lead normal lives. Many children with this particular condition are generally slower to develop physically. They may well be behind other children when it comes to motor development. They often will start to walk on their tip toes caused by tight tendons in the heel with slow pace. Walking with a slight limp is visible and many will be required to wear a brace to help keep the foot on the ground when walking. Because of abnormal deformities, many children may be required to have a few orthopedic surgeries to help correct muscle deformities. With or without any surgery, physical and even occupational therapy will always be required throughout their lives on the affected muscles. Neurological treatments like Botox injections can also help to ease (spastic muscles). 

#hemiparesis #cerebralpalsy #inspiration

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Living with Cerebral Palsy “Spastic Hemiparesis” Book

Who wouldn't love overcoming trials and difficulties by persevering living through a disability? Who can move beyond their shadows living with cerebral palsy? Brian Wright’s  cerebral palsy has gone through many challenges in his life living with Spastic Hemiparesis.

His life challenges tell of his struggles chronically from his childhood to his walk with Christ. Through time, his struggles living through cerebral palsy was overcome through perseverance. His life challenges can help people with disabilities through his experiences so they can learn to overcome their struggles in life through faith and perseverance. He was called to work in the body of Christ to serve others in ministry. His story proves that so many people with disabilities can overcome adversity by believing in themselves.

Chapter 1: Overcoming Early Challenges 
Chapter 2: Surviving My Orthopedic Procedures
Chapter 3: My Invisible School Years
Chapter 4: Finding the Right Path  
Chapter 5: Neurological Treatments for Continuing Progress
Chapter 6: Pathways to Independence and Self-Confidence 
Chapter 7: Climbing the Ladder to Faith 
Closing Note

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  1. Thanks for providing this helpful information! If you are interested in more info, advice, or general CP resources, definitely check out Cerebral Palsy Family Network. It's a helpful site for all those affected by CP! Good luck to you!

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  4. Thanks for the helpful information which will motivate other hemiplegia patients to have a strong will to shape their way and participate in raising awareness about their illness. I wish that you continue sharing your experiences to other patients.Hope you all the well
